jeudi 11 juin 2015

Oral BAC anglais : L'idée de progrès

Introduction :

Progress is the idea that the world can become increasingly better in terms of science, technology, modernisation, liberty, democracy, quality of life..... It could be understand as an improvement in our society.

It exists three types of progress : the Scientific Progress, the Technological Progress, and finally the Social Progress .
In our oral we will primarily study the last one : the social progress.

Unlike the other types of progress, the social one is highly recent. In fact since the XIX century no much advances have been made and respected.

So, we are going to ask us what is progress in our society and what are the limits ?

First of all, we will study the inequality between men and women. Then, we are going to see the inequality amongst blacks and whites. Finally, we will pay attention for all the spokesmen of those fights and their importance in social progress.

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